
Showing posts from September, 2017

3 Social Media Tool That Every Education Marketer Should Use

Social media has changed the way of marketing completely. Every industry now a day use social media in some way. Some industries get manage to generate huge return while others are still finding a way to best use social media platforms. Today in this post I'm going to share which social media tool you should use to your digital marketing for education industry and how you can best out of it: 1.) Facebook: Despite a report that Facebook users are reducing  monthly user activity Facebook is still #1 social media platform for students aged between 18-24, a majorly targeted  age group for higher education. The best part about Facebook is it's reach and presence. Almost every new age adults are on Facebook. Students love connecting with friends and sharing content.  So as an education marketer it makes sense to create a Facebook page & make regular post. How to use Facebook for education marketing: Build student communities through groups Show campus culture